Holiday Homes & Baches in Waiheke Island
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Prices and availability
Current Holiday letting prices Waiheke Island
NZ$886for 25 Jan - 1 Feb
NZ$777 annual averageFeb
Average price per week
FAQs: Holiday Rentals & Lettings in Waiheke Island
On average, what was the cost for holiday homes in Waiheke Island in 2020, during coronavirus pandemic?
Based on its annual average price of NZ$607.51, Waiheke Island is not a destination that stands out for being the most expensive or the cheapest in New Zealand.
When are holiday homes and baches cheaper in Waiheke Island?
If you want to save as much as possible during your visit to Waiheke Island, go there in November (NZ$487.55 per night on average), December (NZ$515.41), or June (NZ$572.15) to find the lowest prices for the whole year.
When does the price of holiday homes in Waiheke Island go up the most?
When it comes to renting a holiday home in Waiheke Island, the highest prices are found in the month of January (with an average of NZ$677.26 per night), followed by April (NZ$670.98), and March (NZ$664.95).
Should I plan a trip to Waiheke Island well in advance?
We recommend you to book in advance in Waiheke Island as only 31% of the accommodations remain available, according to our 2020 data.
Which months offer the highest availability?
May, April, and June are, in order of highest to lowest, the months that present the largest number of accommodations free, with respective average availability figures of 48.8%, 43.75% and 42.25%.
When are fewer holiday homes and baches available?
The months with the lowest properties available in Waiheke Island are, in order, October, December and November, with respective average availability figures of 18.8%, 20.67%, and 21.25%, based on data collected in 2020.
How many holiday baches are available in Waiheke Island?
Our inventory features around 500 properties from 4 partners.