Holiday Homes & Baches in Timaru

Holiday Homes & Baches in Timaru

Start comparing over 1 rentals in Timaru and book at the best price!

Find Holiday Rentals & Lettings in Timaru

Prices and availability

Current Holiday letting prices Timaru

NZ$269for 4 May - 11 May
NZ$252 annual average
Average price per week

Current holiday letting availability Timaru

< 1%for 4 May - 11 May
33% annual average
Percentage of available homes

FAQs: Holiday Rentals & Lettings in Timaru

How much does it cost to rent a holiday letting in Timaru?

Considering the average price of NZ$[reference invalid] per night, Timaru lies at the lower end of the price range for holiday rentals in New Zealand.

When are holiday rentals cheaper in Timaru?

If you seek to make the most of your money, the cheapest months to visit Timaru are October (NZ$272 the average price per night for accommodation), December (NZ$300.36), and May (NZ$308.82).

In which months is it more expensive to rent a holiday letting in Timaru?

In 2019, the month that had the highest annual average in Timaru was April, with an average price of NZ$400.1 per night. This was followed by February, with an average of NZ$359.99, and July, with NZ$359.4.

Is it necessary to plan a trip to Timaru well in advance?

If you decide to discover Timaru, we suggest organising your travels ahead of time because it is usually very high in demand, with an annual average occupation of 79% in the year 2019.

When are more holiday lettings available?

The most available months, on average, are June (with an availability of 45%) April (44.25%), and August (40%), according to the trends observed in 2019.

During which months are there fewer rentals available in Timaru?

Holiday rentals in Timaru reach their peak in demand in October, with an availability rate of 3%. The second most requested month is September, with 6%, and third is December with 8%.

How many holiday rentals are there in Timaru?

Our inventory features approximately 20 properties from 4 partners.

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